Season 2 Episode 2: Navigating the First Weeks as a New Grad OT with Addy

Season #2

Episode Summary:

Starting your first OT job is a huge transition. After years of structured university learning, suddenly you’re expected to make clinical decisions, manage a caseload, and figure out your therapy approach—on your own.

This week’s guest, Addy, is a brand-new OT navigating her first few weeks in paediatrics. She’s highly self-aware, and while that’s a strength, it can also make the transition even more overwhelming when you focus too much on what you don’t know.

We cover:

• The importance of knowing your own learning style

• How self-awareness can be both a strength and a challenge

• Why supervisors need to ask the right questions—not just assume a new grad is thriving 

Big takeaway: New grads don’t need to know everything straight away. Confidence comes with time and experience!


Early Career Clinical Resource -

Sample Diary -

Client Snapshot Tool -



Hosted by: Alyce Svensk

The OT Coach Australia


50% Complete

Two Step

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