From Student to OT: Navigating Your New Grad Year with Confidence

Season #2

The episode features Claire, a new graduate occupational therapist, preparing for her first OT role. Claire shares her journey to studying OT and preparing for her new graduate role.

The discussion covers:

Transition Challenges: Moving from student to professional, imposter syndrome, and learning to manage professional relationships and caseloads.

Strengths & Growth Areas: Recognizing her strong communication and relationship-building skills while navigating new industry-specific expectations.

Time & Caseload Management: Strategies such as the "client snapshot tool" for tracking cases and separating general admin from clinical management tasks.

Self-Care & Boundaries: Managing cognitive fatigue, avoiding perfectionism, setting boundaries around work-life balance, and strategies to prevent burnout.

Confidence in Clinical Decision-Making: Encouraging Claire to trust her knowledge, present her reasoning when asking questions, and recognize her growth throughout the year.

Resources to download:

Early Career Clinical Resource -

Client Snapshot Tool -

Hosted Alyce Svensk 

The OT Coach Australia


50% Complete

Two Step

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